
 about us

We are a boutique Sales Agency representing the best of senior sales entrepreneurs.

We have handpicked the best of the best to our sales entrepreneur network to serve our customer's needs. We have walked the walk in sales and are still walking.

Currently we are 30+ Senior Sales Entrepreneurs task force.

Fife´s Center Team

Tuija Hellman

Chief Commercial Officer & Partner

Pirjo Aalto


Tomi Kinnunen


Tomi Pyyhtiä

Founder & 

Chairman of the Board

Alf Rehn

Executive Board Member

Tero Ojanperä

Board Advisor


In the fall of 2022, our founder Tomi Pyyhtiä made successful EXIT & sold his last start-up company Henrico, Digital Talent Agency to StaffPoint Group.

Henrico was built from zero & breed up in the middle of the corona pandemic crisis. Armed with furious motivation and strong will to succeed, we made into the finish line, and Henrico is now a successful growth company.

Now it´s time to bring a new breed of agency to the Nordics. Fife, Sales As A Service Agency was born. We help companies to grow & get sales - fast. With our proven & cutting-edge hands-on sales skills, we will bring Advisory & hands-on Sales As Services to boost your company´s sales.

The name Fife comes from our founder´s Tomi Pyyhtiä Scottish heritage, whereas his ancestor DNA comes from Lowlands Scotland from place called Fife. Chronicles are saying, that from Fife comes the most brave and cheerful Scottish people.

These represents Fife´s values also: Brave & Cheerful.